Fresh out of our custom build shop is this SuperSomething gravel bike for Mario over in Washington. Mario had seen a previous build we put together for a customer and wanted something similar for himself.

We get a lot of questions about how builds come together around here and maybe this is a good chance to talk about that a little bit. The big bike companies out there order hundreds of build kits at a time which can be both a good thing and a bad thing. It guarantees that they get exactly the parts that they ask for and helps them get a little better pricing, but it also means that they are locked in to one build. In addition, a lot of the cool boutique parts we like just don't make sense in a system where margins are everything.

For a company like Sklar, we have access to almost any bike part you can imagine at wholesale. That said, parts change around a lot. Things go in and out of stock, new products are released, opinions change. So we are light and nimble and able to make adjustments that we need along the way. Also if cool new stuff comes out we can put that on bikes instead of being stuck with 100 build kits of last years parts. We can also put together builds for all sorts of different budgets and goals which is very nice. A build just for you.

In this case, like most cases, Mario came to us with a few parts in mind, a budget and he let us fill in the blanks with what we thought was best. This is our favorite way to do a build because we know all the standards, we know what is available and having access to wholesale bike parts will really encourage you to try everything out and believe us we have. With a budget and a general idea we can put together a very nice cohesive build that will work great for the rider and ensure everything is compatible, high quality and plays nice together.

So with all that here is Mario's build! A sweet no-nonsense SuperSomething gravel bike with a Sram Force wireless drivetrain and hydraulic brakes, Stans crest rims on DT swiss hubs, one of our favorite gravel tires the Teravail cannonball, and some nice alloy parts in between. This is going to be an awesome, fun, practical bike for a long, long time and we love to see it.

If you are interested in a complete build you can always drop us a line here and learn more about the SuperSomething here.

sklar super something gravel bike all road
sklar super something gravel bike all road sram force wireless
sklar super something gravel bike all road
sklar super something gravel bike all road
sklar super something gravel bike all road


Mikey said:

I am so incredibly excited to try this build! After so many geometry discussions afterall. At least I hope he let’s me try it anyway,

Chuck said:

Wow, what a perfect build . That’s going to be a great bike to ride for many years !

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